Cybersecurity company discovers security flaw in early crypto wallets.
According to Unciphered, crypto wallets created between 2011-15 are at risk.

In those early days, crypto was mainly for coders and pioneers willing to take risks on unproven tech. A decade later, the landscape looks very different with massive adoption and assets valued in the trillions. However, new research reveals those early adopters may now be vulnerable due to flaws in the security of the original crypto wallet software.

The Discovery: A Vulnerability Emerges

Cybersecurity startup Unciphered uncovered a major vulnerability while trying to help a client regain access to their old Bitcoin wallet. Tracing the issue back to the source code, they determined the weakness stemmed from flawed random number generation in BitcoinJS software which was popular for building crypto wallets between 2011-2015.

Specifically, the SecureRandom() method failed to gather enough entropy, creating predictable private keys that could allow hackers to steal funds. Wallets created using BitcoinJS during this period are most at risk, but the underlying libraries were also incorporated into many other crypto projects, expanding the impact.

Billions in Jeopardy: The Widespread Fallout

The vulnerability extends beyond Bitcoin to other major assets including Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin and Zcash. Well-known services like Dogechain, and any wallet using BitcoinJS may also be affected.

Researchers estimate millions of wallets created from 2011-2015 could be exploited to steal billions in crypto assets. For cryptocurrencies focused on privacy and security like Zcash, such compromises could be especially damaging.

The revelations emphasize how vulnerabilities in underlying code libraries propagate through ecosystems and time, luring developers into a false sense of security. Unciphered warns the BitcoinJS issue "...serves as a prime example of the persistent risks associated with software development."

Securing Your Crypto: Essential Next Steps

For those who may be exposed, swift action is essential to protect holdings. Unciphered strongly advises users to create new wallets with updated software and immediately transfer assets out of vulnerable wallets. Allowing funds to remain where hackers could access keys poses grave dangers as blockchain transactions are irreversible.

While inconvenient, taking precautions now can save crypto holders from catastrophic losses. The discovery also highlights why rigorous auditing and updates are vital even years after software releases as new weaknesses come to light. For an industry premised on security, the need for digital asset protection stretched across protocols remains paramount.