Astrobotic’s ambitious PM1 moon lander spaceship will send DOGE to the moon.
An upcoming lunar voyage will be carrying physical DOGE and BTC symbols to the lunar surface.

The meme-based Dogecoin community cheers an upcoming lunar voyage carrying physical DOGE and BTC symbols to the lunar surface aboard Astrobotic’s ambitious PM1 moon lander spaceship.

Slated for launch in December 2023 after multiple pandemic setbacks postponed lift off dates, this symbolic crypto payload to the stars showcases blockchain’s permeating worldwide cultural footprint even reaching into outer space frontiers.

Let’s explore the quirky crypto memorandum set symbolizing digital asset momentum despite market turmoil, the companies and communities collaborating towards achieving this technical feat, as well as the broader significance of blockchain bridging into off-world advancements.

Memorializing Meme and Digital Gold Culture 250,000 Miles Away

When Astrobotic’s PM1 spacecraft vaults skywards powered by the mighty Vulcan Centaur rocket this holiday season, two metallic tokens etched with Dogecoin and Bitcoin logos will rest tucked among other commemorative cargo holdings enroute to the lunar surface.

This coinciding pairing of an asset birthed jokingly alongside the original cryptocurrency created to upend monetary norms practically market themselves in metaphorical value.

But beyond the obvious hype marketing, their inclusion by the respective cryptocurrency communities represents leadership transitioning from internet obscurity towards cementing legitimacy literally rising to universal heights – in this case the moon’s Midland Heights region.

The total trip traverses a quarter million miles launching from Cape Canaveral carrying symbolism suggesting blockchain transitions from dismissed novelty towards indispensable global future across commercial and government pillars.

Not to mention the sheer awe factor boasting DOGE and BTC’s claim-staking off our very own celestial neighbor 240,000 miles away! No matter fluctuating prices on Earth, the feat etches digital currency permanence through backup hard storage off-planet.

“We are proud sending DOGE to lunar orbit alongside Bitcoin calling it the OG meme coin. This moment enshrines crypto’s exciting future.”Dogecoin Foundation

Now let’s explore the key players collaborating to transport and fund this monument honoring blockchain’s popular adoption.

Astrobotic’s Ambitious Moon Mission Playing Crypto Escort

The Pittsburgh-based company Astrobotic specializes in reliable transport of customer payloads to the Moon’s surface using innovative spacecraft and rover technologies.

Their forthcoming Peregrine Mission One (PM1) intends ferrying nearly two dozen subcontracted items from clients like DHL, Lacuna Space and of course – the crypto token community!

PM1 underwent multiple pandemic delays but now finally enters home stretch preps for the milestone Vulcan Centaur maiden flight from Cape Canaveral this December.

A successful voyage opens operational Assessment Phase transport contracted under NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program.

When the lander gently sets down, the small metallic DOGE coin and BTC insignia plaque become the among first blockchain symbols permanently resting on lunar regolith representing industry achievement.

But the prominent public tokens additionally accompany more functional bitcoin data storage payloads demonstrating early infrastructure use cases. We’ll next explore some pioneering civilian efforts already putting blockchain to work on extra-terrestrial operations.

Bitcoin’s Space Activity Maturation With Business Test Cases

Beyond the symbolic bitcoin logo plaque riding shotgun alongside DOGE simply as a novelty souvenir, functional bitcoin support hardware spearheads rigorous commercial testing demonstrating tokenized models upgrading space communications and data integrity monitoring:

Lunar Library by Arch Mission - This project funded by crypto donors stores Bitcoin whitepapers among humanity knowledge backups encoding major documents like Universal Declaration of Human Rights into nickel discs and etchings able to outlive Earth catastrophes for future deep space travelers discovering our lost civilization.

Bitcoin Satellite Network – Blockstream’s global ring of satellites continuously broadcasts real-time Bitcoin ledger data to strengthen network resilience against internet failures or natural disasters. Research validates stable information propagation from space, even detecting malicious tampering.

Government Space Agency Acceptance – Australia’s national space agency formally accepts Bitcoin payments from AST SpaceMobile towards licensing satellite bandwidth buildouts while El Salvador decrees accepting BTC for funding their nascent space program. This mirrors the pioneering corporate and national recognition that legitimizes blockchain for mission-critical applications.

With ballooning civilian space activity diversifying from pure exploration towards sustainable commercial models, Bitcoin and crypto integration appear inevitable upgrading digital asset budding reputation as indispensable Web 3.0 foundations rather than merely fleeting speculative darlings.

The Final Verdict: To The Moon Goes Crypto Adoption

While hype headlines around a meme Dogecoin symbol launched towards the lunar landscape elicit press and community excitement for December’s PM1 voyage, the moment transcends PR stunt spectacle.

The prominent inclusion of symbolic Bitcoin and Dogecoin insignia riding alongside purely functional blockchain data backup and broadcasting payloads signals structured progression cementing digital assets across humankind’s extra-terrestrial expansion.

No longer confined as internet obscurities, their prominent placement aboard this historic flight recognizes cryptocurrency crossing over towards essential next economy technology guaranteed to permeate every coming aspect of technological shifts – on this planet and beyond!